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fr clothing

Industrial Safety industries

Breaking Down the Science: How FR Fabrics Resist Ignition

Flame resistant (FR) garments are a foundational piece of safety equipment for workers in hazardous environments. The FR fabrics that are used to construct...

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Industrial Safety industries

The Care and Maintenance of Your Flame Resistant Workwear

Proper care and maintenance of flame resistant (FR) workwear are essential to ensure ongoing protection and durability. These steps are vital for maintaining...


Industrial Safety industries

Why Adopting the Latest Tech in Protective Workwear Is Worth Your While

The protective workwear industry has not historically been known as an innovative one. Change and technological advancements have been incremental and slow for...


Industrial Safety industries

It’s Time to Upgrade Your Bids: The Cost of Legacy Products

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” may be a helpful saying for being economical in many parts of life, but when it comes to safety equipment like flame...


Health & Safety Managers

The Economic Impact of Investing in Flame Resistant Fabrics for Businesses

Worker safety is critical in high-risk industrial workplaces, from both a human perspective, but also from an economic one. The level of quality of flame...


Industrial Safety industries

Not Just Shirts and Pants: Viewing FR as Safety Equipment

At work or at home, clothes are clothes, right? But when what you’re wearing can mean the difference between life-altering injuries or walking away from a...


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Health & Safety Managers

Staying Safe by Staying Healthy: Factors You Can Control

Taking care of your overall wellbeing is important for anyone interested in optimizing lifespan and health span, but for people who work in hazardous...


Health & Safety Managers

Safety Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint: 4 Ways to Avoid Frustration as a Safety Manager

Being a safety manager can be a tough job. You’re working hard to create a strong safety program and achieve the ideal: a zero incident safety culture. When...

electrical safety awareness-2

Industrial Safety industries

5 Tips for Improving Electrical Safety Awareness

Although this year's National Electrical Safety Month is now behind us, electrical safety awareness is imperative all year long. The Electrical Safety...


Health & Safety Managers

How to Wear Your FR Garments

When a flash fire happens, you don’t have time to adjust your clothes—you always need to be wearing them as if a fire could happen at any moment to ensure...