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Thermal Liner

Innovation close to your skin

Protection and comfort

Times change, FR fabrics evolve. One thing that never changes: the need for thermal protection. TenCate offers thermal liners that boast inherently wicking facecloths. Whether combined with a needle-punch (NP) or a spun-lace (SL) batting, the layer closest to a firefighter’s skin is always where comfort starts.

All of TenCate facecloths are slick and easy-to-wear—providing quick and easy donning and doffing. Firefighters’ turnout gear is the most vital part of their PPE. The thermal liner—a facecloth quilted to a thermal batting— is the innermost layer and serves as an instrumental part of the entire ensemble.

PPE not only provides protection from the intense heat of structural fires, it also affects comfort and performance as measured by thermal protection performance (TPP) and total heat loss (THL) testing. Ideally, firefighters seek the optimal combination of TPP and THL performance to ensure their ensemble is as comfortable and protective as possible.

Thermal Liners

Product name Composition Weight (+- 5%) PPE requirements
Titanium™ SL2 Woven Facecloth Quilted to Non-Woven Batting 7.7 osy (260 gsm)
Titanium™ Nano Woven Facecloth Quilted to Non-Woven Batting 6.6 osy (224 gsm)
Caldura Elite with Dupont™ Nomex® Nano Woven Facecloth Quilted to Non-Woven Batting 6.7 osy (227gsm)
Caldura® Elite SL2 Woven Facecloth Quilted to non-woven batting 7.7 osy (260 gsm)
Quantum3D® SL2 Woven Facecloth Quilted to Non-Woven Batting 7.7 osy (260 gsm)
Defender® M SL2 Woven Facecloth Quilted to Non-Woven Batting 7.8 osy (265 gsm)
Defender® M NP Woven Facecloth Quilted to Non-Woven Batting 7.0 osy (237 gsm)

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